There are more uses for gingerbread than just piecing two rectangular slabs of it together to form a gingerbread house roof. In fact, you can make gingerbread cupcakes with the same sugary sweet, cinn ...
What reminds you of Christmas the most? For us, it's the sweet scent and beautiful clustered shape of holly berries. These bright red berries also look great as part of Christmas decor. Check out this ...
Got an hour or two free this winter holiday? Then that's all the time you need to craft several of these pretty no-sew red velvet Christmas ornaments. Made of silver and white fabric scraps and silver ...
A little behind on your Christmas decorating. No problem. Instead of heading out to the store to pick up whatever fugly ornaments you can find, why not make your own personalized ornaments instead? Ch ...
When you were a kid, did you have dreams of sugar plums dancing in your head while not even a mouse was stiring and all the stockings were hung up with care? Yup, thought so. Celebrate those times whe ...
Christmas doesn't have to be all red and green. In fact, unless you want your Christmas tree to look like every other Christmas tree out there, you should probably avoid the color pair altogether. Ins ...
You really don't need to have a bunch of cash to have a beautiful Christmas tree. In fact, all you need are a few pins, a few syrofoam balls, and some creativity to spice up your douglas fir. Check ou ...
When thinking about buying a gift for a friend, it's always the gift itself that's most important, right? But no matter how great your gift selection is (yay for Kindle readers), if it's wrapped slopp ...
What would Christmas be without some figgy pudding, or any pudding, for that matter? Among the sights and smells that are most memorable are sugar cookies, gingerbread houses, and a sweet brown Christ ...
If you prefer plastic Christmas greenery over real, we totally understand. While PVC isn't exactly renewable, it is eco-friendly in the sense that you don't need to unnecessarily chop down young everg ...