No matter how big or small your Christmas tree might be, you can use this tutorial to make an attractive and festive holiday tree! You will need Christmas lights, wire and your favorite ornaments, tinsel, ribbon and other holiday decorations.
Start by fluffing your Christmas tree to make it look fuller, and then string on the lights (use one hundred lights per foot in height of your tree). Then weave some ribbon through the branches of your tree. Beautiful and festive!
You can use ribbon as a tree decoration! This tutorial shows you how to take a spool of wide ribbon (use wired ribbon for best results) and use it to create a unique and eye catching holiday decoration for your Christmas tree.
If you're baking cupcakes for Christmas, don't just take the easy route and spatula on some canned frosting from the store! Make your cupcakes truly spectacular this holiday season by decorating them with fondant.
We didn't think it could get any better than cupcakes laden with buttercream icing until we saw these dark chocolate ganache-dipped cupcakes. Dripping in rich, velvety layers of ganache, these cupcakes are then topped with iced on Christmas shapes like trees and snowflakes for a festive flair.
What would Christmas be without Santa Claus? Well, it would be a very Christmas indeed, because without Santa there would be no presents (which, for many little kiddies, equals no joy on Christmas morning).
Wreaths and poinsettias are traditional Christmas greenery used as home decorations during the holidays, but did you know you can use them in cake decorating as well? We're not talking nomming on a wreath (ew), but rather decorating cupcakes with wreath and poinsettia shapes.
Stuck for entertainment ideas for your kids this holiday season? Why not help them out with a Christmas-themed scavenger hunt? In this video, you'll be shown how you can get your kids in the holiday spirit with a few art supplies and the promise of an exciting scavenger hunt.
Love to fold awesome origami designs? Then there's no better way to spend a holiday afternoon with a cup of hot chocolate and this easy and gorgeous Christmas craft.
While it's true that Christmas wreaths are traditionally meant to go on your front door, you needn't think so inside the box when it comes to the donut-shaped Christmas decor.
This is a great craft project that you can use to make cute and festive Christmas ornaments out of polymer clay. You will also need cookie cutters, sanding paper, rubber stamps, a wavy blade, a straight blade, some makeup powders and acrylic paints.
If you have a DSLR, you can take some interesting photographs of Christmas trees and holiday lights this year. Here are six different ways to achieve a special effects look for your Christmas photographs by adjusting the settings on your camera.
Decorate your Christmas tree with duct tape! This tutorial shows you how to take two different colors of duct tape and turn it into a circular ornament for your Christmas tree. You'll also need a little bit of wire to hang it.
All you need for this craft is a pile of wire coat hangers! This is a great gift or craft for anyone who lives in a small place, like a dorm room. All you need is some tape, a garland and tiny ornaments!
This is a great Christmas DIY tutorial that shows you how to take a plain white tablecloth and use a star stencil, gold gel pen, glitter paint, felt scraps and a hot glue gun to add a festive holiday border.
This video shows you a few quick ideas to create a stunning table setting for your Christmas hosting this season. Incorporate colored glassware, napkin rings, centerpieces and even small treats at each place setting to really get into the festive holiday spirit.
If it's your first Christmas, you might be wondering what the best way to decorate the tree is. While every tree and set of decorations will be different, this tutorial shows you a few basic principles (such as always put the Christmas lights on first) to decorating a lovely and festive Christmas tree.
By adding a pointed or curled toe to your Christmas stocking instead of a rounded toe, you can turn it into an elf stocking! This tutorial shows you how to add toes with small or exaggerated points to your Christmas sewing project.
Get into the Christmas spirit this holiday season by crafting! But don't worry - we're not talking about super complex and time-consuming crafts like crochet scarves or those fugly Christmas sweaters your grandma used to knit for you.
Whether you want to admit it or not, children tend to derive the most joy from the holidays during their Christmas present opening feeding frenzy. But if you want to engage them in something other than, well, greed, this holiday season, teach them the joy of crafting by making this origami Santa Claus.
Stars are symbols of hope and light during the holiday season, probably the reason why lots of folks dress the top of their trees with this single most important holiday emblem. So what better origami project to fold this Christmas than an origami star?
Upcycle all your old wine corks into a cute Christmas craft! Take six wine corks, some glitter (red, green and gold), some glue and a screw top wine cap for the base of the tree. Add tiny eyelets or buttons as ornaments!
Have a green Christmas this year! Instead of buying more mass produced holidy decorations, make your own! This short video shows you how to make your own Christmas garland of tiny stars using recycled paper. Any festive color will do for these stars!
This is a fun and easy project you can do in an afternoon. Why spend money on expensive ornaments when you can go green to decorate your Christmas tree this year? All you need is some festive paper and thread.
Everyone loves getting Christmas cards, and it's even better when they're handmade. This tutorial shows you how to make an elegant card that evokes feelings of winter in a snow covered forest, and expresses the seasonal Peace on Earth message.
If you feel your Christmas tree looks naked without some fancy schmancy star or topper on the highest of its boughs, then this pretty Christmas tree bow topper project is perfect for you.
Have a steampunk Christmas this year! This tutorial shows you how to use a collection of brass and steel buttons and gears to create a series of neo-Victorian ornaments. These are great to use yourself or include in gifts to friends and loved ones.
This is a lovely idea that allows you to celebrate the whole year on your Christmas tree! These cute handmade paper ornaments feature a tiny calendar surrounded by flowers, beads, accents and symbols of the season the month falls in.
To use this tutorial, you will need the Tim Holtz Rosette Flower die, and then your favorite craft paper and maybe a few beads for accent. These can be used as hair ornaments, as gift extras and even as Christmas ornaments.
These festive Christmas crackers serve as both party favors to hand out to guests and name plates on your dinner table. In vibrant colors of green and red, they simply scream out Christmas.
We're not going to lie: Papercut designs take a bit of time and lots of precision to accomplish, but the results, as you can see here, are totally worth it. These gorgeous papercut cards come in any shape you desire, from intricate polar bears to Christmas trees.
Before your guests enter the front door to your Christmas party and before they witness the beautiful swags of garland, lights, and the Christmas tree, the first thing they're going to see is your wreath.
The holiday season rushes by so fast that it helps to keep track of touching holiday memories with an advent calendar. Advent calendars also allow you and your family to congregate together each day and spend some quality time together counting down the days to Christmas and sometimes getting a new small gift each day.
There's no better symbol for Christmas than the evergreen Christmas tree. A symbol of the preserverance of life and light during the dark and short winter days when everything else is dead, the tree is a beacon of hope.
These little snowman cupcakes look so well sculpted and precise they almost resemble polymer clay. Each snowman is covered in a glittery finish (which is totally edible, FYI) and wears a cute as a button festive scarf.
Throwing a holiday party soon? Then we're pretty sure your guests are more than used to the traditional Christmas cupcake shapes, like a snowman, Santa, and Christmas tree. Surprise your friends and family by creating these beautiful green glittered pinecone cupcakes.
These cupcakes look almost too good to eat...ALMOST. These would still disappear in a heartbeat if left alone with us. But anyhow, these glittered holly berry cupcakes are so gorgeous and beautiful for the holidays.
Got fudge fingers? Are you the joke of your family and friends when it comes to wrapping presents? This Christmas, make it an exceptional year by learning how to wrap your gifts the proper way. No more wrinkles and botched Scotch tape! Your gifts will look perfectly presentable.
It's the most eco-friendly way to decorate a tree this holiday season - an e-tree! The iPhone or iPod Touch app Christmas Delight lets you pick out your tree and then decorate it however you want. When you're done, turn it into an e-card for friends and family!
Diet Coke can be festive! After you drink all the Diet Coke, you can turn the empty cans into Christmas tree ornaments. Make sure you rinse all the cans and take the tabs off, and you'll also need a very sharp knife. Make soda cans into something cool!
Tulips are graceful and elegant flowers that come in a variety of colors, making them a good choice for holiday decorating. This video shows you how to make holiday arrangements using bundles of 10 and 20 tulips, as well as a few ideas for floating candles.
Some families prefer artificial Christmas trees for a variety of reasons. But how can you make an artificial tree look as nice as possible? This tutorial gives you some good tips on how to set up and decorate an artificial Christmas tree.
What better way to get into the holiday mood than by wearing a festive Santa or elf hat around your workplace? Send your spirits soaring and get ready for Christmas by making your very on Santa hat.
You can make Christmas ornaments with your children! You will need craft sticks or popsicle sticks, crayons or markers, non toxic craft glue, yarn, tissue paper or pom poms and safety scissors. Now, make your own Christmas tree shaped holiday ornaments.
Make some candy Christmas trees as decorations this holiday season! All you need is some Styrofoam cups and a collection of your favorite Christmas candies, like gumdrops or peppermints. You can use hot glue to attach the candies, or toothpicks if you want to eat them later.
Got fudgy fingers that never succeed at tying anything properly? Well, this video's for you. Watch, and follow along as you're shown the right way to tie a Christmas bow. Your Christmas gifts and presents will be the prettiest ones around.
If you're not sure where to start with the Christmas decorating, just watch this video! Remember to check your Christmas lights to make sure they work properly, and pull out all the Christmas ornaments. Use paper clips as a cheap alternative for decorative hangers, and get more great tips from this video.
This recipe almost exactly replicates Heston Blumenthal's famous English recipe. Even if you can't find a candied orange, this tutorial shows you how to make one yourself. You will need, apart from the candied orange, a grated carrot, a grated green apple, three eggs, mixed dried fruit and beer or cider.
Even though this method does not take very long, you can still use it to easily and quickly make a large number of Christmas stocking. You will need strong polyester thread and size 90 or 100 machine needles along with your favorite Christmas fabrics.
A talented confectioner shows you a traditional recipe to make French nougat. This candy is a great present to give people on your holiday gift list; or make it as a treat to bring to your next Christmas or holiday parties!
A tree skirt can protect your floor from needles and sap, and can add an extra holiday touch to your Christmas decorating. This tutorial shows you how to make an easy tree skirt out of felt - no sewing machine required!
This is an easy craft, though it does take some time. Start with a soft ball of florist foam, and then attach balsam boughs. Keep it watered, and it will last for several months in your house. Add ribbons and flowers for decoration!
"Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse." Some mice will be stirring this holiday in your house when you make these adorable Hershey's Kisses candy mice. Bite-sized and really damn cute, don't be surprised if none are there for Santa when he comes swooping down the chimney.
Christmas to a lot of people means spending money - lots of it. And while stores go out of their way to steal every last penny from your pocket (Black Friday, anyone?), you don't have to spend any money at all to get into the festive spirit.
Most snowmen sadly melt even before Christmas even starts (and some turn yellow towards the bottom, but let's get into that later), but this cupcake snowman will stay firm and cute...until you stick it into your mouth, that is.
Cinnamon seems to imbue every nook and cranny of the house during the holiday season. From a light sprinkling on top of hot cocoa to gingersnap cookies, the warm and aromatic spice adds that extra kick of flavor we associate with the holidays.
Oh Christmas tree, Oh Christmas tree, how delicious are your branches...and ornaments...and crowning star. Of course, we're not talking about any old Christmas tree here, but rather a cupcake decorated to look like one! It's really much simpler than you think.
This is a lovely craft project you can do with kids - make a bunch of acorns that you can use as fall or winter decorations. You will need: small foam balls, mod podge, brown acrylic paint, glitter and brown yarn for the cap.
You can take a carton of plain glass (or plastic) Christmas ornaments and then add your own personal touch as a gift or holiday decoration. Fill the large globes with things like garlands or tinsel, and or add paint and glitter to others.