Whether you choose to hang an authentic or artificial pine Christmas wreath on your door — or an entirely different type, like ones made of paper waste or even food — chances are you've spent a year or two struggling with how to keep your decor hanging. With one easy to apply, quick to remove trick, you can skip the shiny wreath holder and any further damage to your front door.
Every year I wait until the last minute to wrap Christmas presents. I always tell myself I'm going to get it done ahead of time, but it never happens. And the worst thing that can happen when you put it off is running out of Scotch tape.
It's really no wonder why Christmas is the most popular and widely celebrated holiday of the year. Your whole family gets a chance to spend some much needed quality time together—and not just gorging on food like at Thanksgiving. But in all seriousness, that's not the reason at all... we're talking Christmas presents here.
The concept and structure of Christmas hasn't changed much since its inception. In its infancy, Christians recruited Roman pagans by associating Christmas with the Saturnalia, an ancient Roman festival in honor of the deity Saturn (also held in December). The pagans had long worshiped trees (as did other historical cultures) and would bring them into their homes and decorate them, something that influenced our modern holiday decorations.
LEGOs are more than just a toy for young children— it's an emerging art form combining photography, stop-motion (i.e., brickfilms), and imitative models that portray today's pop culture as it is. It's something visual culture analysts are sure to be studying over the next decade, and Chris McVeigh, from Halifax, Nova Scotia, is sure to be studied for his LEGO mastery.
Everyone knows how to make paper snowflakes, but the kind you learned to cut in kindergarten can get a little boring. However, they are free DIY holiday decorations, and they don't have to be a generic snowflake design. They can be anything you want, from nerdy math kirigami to all the Star Wars characters you can think of!
One of the more enjoyable parts of Christmas (other than opening gifts of course) is going out to find the perfect tree, struggle bringing it into the house, and decorating it. As the years went by, I realized that our tree looked exactly like every other tree in the neighborhood: the same lights, the same angel at the top, and the same red, green and white ornaments.
The most annoying thing about Christmas lights is when one bulb blows, the whole string stops working. There's no easy way to tell which one is out when it's a huge strand, so it can take forever to fix.
Chestnuts are roasting on an open fire, which can only mean one thing: Christmas is nearly here. It's the time of year we're supposed to spend with family and friends, but usually we spend it stressing out over what to buy everyone on our list without going over budget, or shopping for decorations or holiday-friendly food items.
For the christmas incoming, how are you going to decorate your house or what kind of present would you like to make for your children. This video show you how to simply make a snowman from basic things: socks, rice..
One of the most annoying things about the holiday season is that it's almost impossible to make it through without at least one ornament falling off the tree and shattering. Even if you give the cat its own "special room" for the whole month, something is bound to happen.
'Tis the holiday season—a time for family and the best damn drunk uncle stories that you'll hear all year. Which is all the more reason to make these tasty little alcoholic treats...
You've probably tried just about every method of hanging your holiday decorations: nails, thumbtacks, sticky hooks, and, in desperation, even tape. Each method can leave a host of complications when removed, though, from chipping paint to visible holes.
With the new year just around the corner, it's a time we all reminisce about the year that was. In the midst of families fighting over white elephant presents and the financial stress that comes with holiday gifting, you may also be dealing with the stress of hosting parties and get-togethers as well as the decorating that goes with it.
Need a quick and festive snack to feed your kids during the holiday break? These marshmallow and cereal wreaths will make the perfect Christmas treat, and it helps that they're no-bake treats, which means more time for you to do other Christmas-related activities!
It's been done for ages, but for most of us, "regift" entered our vocabulary after the 98th episode of Seinfeld—"The Label Maker." In this episode, Elaine calls Dr. Whatley (played by Bryan Cranston) a "regifter" after he gives Jerry a label maker—the same label maker that Elaine gave Whatley.
There's nothing better than gulping down an ice cold beer to calm the senses and ease the mind. The holiday season can be very stressful as people scramble around trying to find the best gifts for friends and family. And we all know that gifts can be very hit or miss, but it's pretty hard to go wrong giving someone a nice bottle of whiskey or a nice selection of beers.
Watch this video and learn how to make a wonderful magical snow globe perfect for Christmas or any other holiday. You just need a jar with a lid, some pure glycerin, glittery snowflakes, and a Christmas figurine of your choice (e.g., Santa, reindeer, elves, etc.).
Gourds are great for all sorts of crafts, most notably perhaps making the shekere. You can also use them to make cute fat Santa figures for Christmas! This video will teach you how to turn a gourd and some paint into a holiday masterpiece.
This icosidodecahedron can serve as Christmas tree ball!! Easy folding, even easier assembly. Barbabellaatje has been providing us with origami instructional videos for the past year. Always exciting to see a new origami video from this Dutch artist. This origami video demonstrates the folding of an origami christmas tree ball. Enjoy this origami tutorial video by barbabellaatje.
To be honest, these Christmas ornaments look more like sea urchins than stars to us. Either way, these festive ornaments are beautiful and cheap alternatives to purchasing standard ornaments at the store. Give each ornament character by using a different color or pattern paper.
It's time for the holidays, and you're full of Christmas cheer, all ready to make some homemade decorations. Well, get out your modeling sugar and check out these two video tutorials on how to make a snowman and Christmas tree with modeling sugar paste.
As the holidays draw closer and closer, stores are getting more and more crowded, and of course, many have put off their Christmas shopping until the very last minute. Why not avoid the mall rush this holiday season and make a personalized do-it-yourself snow globe to gift to those closest to you? This is also a perfect opportunity to put of those cell phone photos that you've been snapping to use!
Although Christmas is not a time for pranks and booby traps, but rather quality time with the family, why not have a little fun at the expense of your loved ones? Here's a simple yet effective way to booby trap a Christmas gift. You'll need the help of a balloon, but the end result will be hilarious. Just wait until Christmas morning and everyone is eager to open their presents. That's when the fun begins. Merry Christmas!!!!
As the title of this how-to states, yes this could quite possibly be one of the meanest, if not the meanest, Christmas pranks ever. To pull this off, you'll need to booby trap a Christmas present. Not much is needed for this, just a rectangular plastic container and water. The end result will leave someone regretting picking up that Christmas gift under the tree. Yes, someone will get wet as well. Merry Christmas!!!
Here's your chance to get creative during the holidays, especially if you're a "DIY" person. Why buy a small Christmas Tree for your desk when you can make your own for a fraction of the price and have fun as well. For further instructions refer to the video tutorial. Merry Christmas!!!
Every Christmas tree needs a topper, but most of them are boring and generic. If you want something a little more unique, making it yourself is a great way to go, and a DIY Weeping Angel topper is a good twist on a classic, but not everyone is a Dr. Who fan.
The holiday season wouldn't be the same without decorations. Ornaments and fancy lighting brightens up a neighborhood and helps spread the holiday cheer. While decorations and Christmas lights are fantastic, why not get a little more creative and some fun in the process?
One good thing about having friends who are constantly on their phones and tablets is it's easy to figure out what to get them for Christmas. Everyone hates getting gifts that just sit around, so it's always nice to get something that improves an item you use on a daily basis.
Today I bring you my first Christmas themed video!Here there are some DIY ideas to decorate your room for the holiday season. They are really easy and affordable so I hope you like them!
There are very few times (if any) the word poo and delicious belong in the same sentence, but any fan of South Park (or chocolate) will appreciate this awesome Mr. Hankey, The Christmas Poo treat, created by Degroof.
It may finally be dying down a bit, but there are still plenty of cat lovers addicted to Grumpy Cat, who has surpassed her internet meme stardom to move onto books, calendars, and even a soon-to-be film. For those of you who just can't get enough of the crotchety-faced Tardar Sauce, make this Christmas a Grumpy Christmas with this free printable paper ornament of Grumpy Cat.
Winter weather always looks so pretty on postcards. A blanket of fluffy white snow, icicles hanging from the trees, little woodland creatures scampering about...it's like a picture straight out of a storybook. But in the real world, after a day or two it usually looks more like this:
If an athlete gets athlete's foot, what does an astronaut get? Mistletoe. Yup, that's about the only time I've ever really needed mistletoe for anything, but cheesy one-liners aside, mistletoe can be the greatest wingman (or wingwoman) ever, but only during the holiday season.
Edible decorations are the best kind of decorations—not only do they look good, they also serve a purpose. An edible centerpiece is a great way to entertain your guests and gives them something to tide them over while you're cooking if you're serving food.
When it comes to the holidays, there's definitely no shortage of ways to geekify your experience. You can make your own nerdy ornaments with a Weeping Angel tree topper, or go with traditional decorations that are mathematically perfect.
Here can see how to make a Christmas flower in macrame style. You can add this Christmas Flower to your holiday decor, for example in Christmas wreath. Flower arrangement ideas from Macrame.
This unique hand made decor can be used as a Christmas Tree ornament. They look lovely hanging in a window, or on a door. This Macrame pattern is flexible and you can make it in different sizes. Watch the video to see how to make it yourself.
Tree sap is hard to get off of things, and Christmas Trees are a great chance for sap to enter your home and stain your possessions and family. Watch this video to learn how to get sap stains out of carpet, clothes, hair, and your car.
Perhaps the most important decoration of the holiday season is the Christmas tree. It's where all of the magic happens. If you're not into real Christmas trees, there's always some festive alternatives, but for those of us who can't live without a natural Christmas tree, choosing the right one for the right price can be an impossible task.
Greeting cards. Everyone hates buying them, they're way overpriced, and the majority of them go right in the trash after they're opened. So why do we still buy them?
Christmas sweaters are one of those anomalies that everyone complains about, yet so many are sold every year that someone has to like them (kind of like fruitcake).
So you've chosen the ideal Christmas tree for your place and decorated it so that it's mathematically perfect, but something's missing. It's not quite complete without a topper, but all of the traditional ones are soooo boring. What's a geek to do?
The holiday season is here, and most people have already started counting down. Advent calendars are a very traditional way to keep track of how many days are left, but most of the ones you see are either boring, made for little kids, or just plain ugly.
Christmas is just a few weeks away and the decorating has already begun. The centerpiece for most home during the holiday is, of course, the Christmas tree. But let's face it—that tree can be a big pain in the ass to decorate. You'll run out of tinsel, your lights will be too short, and a missing bulb with throw the whole thing off balance.
Well this certainly isn't your grandma's woolen reindeer sweater. While all of us dread getting the handmade clothing item during the holidays, you certainly won't dread wearing this cheeky and ugly - though ugly in a good, cute way - Christmas sweater.
Make every Christmas a personalized one. This tutorial shows you how to start with some basic clear glass ball ornaments, and then add a few different modifications, decorations and crafts to turn them into your own personal Christmas tree ornaments.
We thank and bow down to whoever invented gift cards. A great way to give your recipient what he/she wants without having to slave over whether the turquoise cashmere sweater or the navy blue cashmere sweater looks best, gift cards are the way to go for procrastinators.
We realize Christmas is over, but there's no reason you shouldn't surprise a friend with a pretty gift for New Year's Eve! In many other cultures friends and family give each other presents to celebrate their new year, including during Chinese New Year.